Hamamelis regulates the work of sweat glands, freshens, destroys bacteria in the skin pores, has an exceptional antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. It soothes and helps the healing of cracks and scratches, acts as a powerful antioxidant.
Escin is an active ingredient produced from horse chestnut seed extract. It relieves puffiness and the feeling of tiredness, has a venotonic and anti-inflammatory effect, restores capillary permeability and lessens angiasthenia.
Blueberry extract moisturizes and soothes skin due to its light analgesic effect. It stimulates cellular multiplication and wound healing, heals cracks and removes patches of rough dry skin.
Ruscus extract is a powerful anti-edematous and decongestive natural remedy, it strengthens blood vessels, improves microcirculation, has a vasoconstricting and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves redness and the feeling of tiredness in feet.
Menthol contributes to relieving inflammation, alleviates pain and itching, and soothes the skin.
Menthyl lactate has a soothing anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates microcirculation, tones up the skin.